
The Influence Industry Project's original research into the network of private technology companies, consultants and platforms working with political campaigns, actors and parties around the world is supported and enriched through collaboration with the following individuals and groups.

Project Team

  • Project lead: Amber Macintyre
  • Project coordination: Cassiane (Cassie) Cladis

Supported by:

  • Strategic direction: Stephanie Hankey
  • Project direction: Christy Lange
  • Product lead: Laurent Delleré
  • Web design & illustrations: Yiorgos Bagakis, Bernadette Geiger
  • Web developing: Yiorgos Bagakis, Laurent Delleré, Bernadette Geiger, Emmett Harding, Saqib Sohail, Guergana Tzatchkova
  • Tech support: Jacopo Anderlini, Danja Vasiliev
  • Financial team and grant management: Ngan Nguyen, Daniela O'Halloran
  • Contributors: Varoon Bashyakarla (previous co-project lead), Gary Wright (previous co-project lead)

The Explorer Database and Research:

  • Research Lead: Amber Macintyre
  • Project Design: Ralph Delfs and Marcus Theisen, Sinnwerkstatt
  • Data Research: Patrick Harvey, Cassie Cladis, Emma Neibig, Pedro Dos Santos Maia , Katie Costello
  • Project input from: Christy Lange, Gary Wright, Laurent Dellere, Marek Tuszynski, Yiorgos Bagakis

The Learning Modules:

  • Contributing Author: Tetyana Bohdanova
  • Instructional Designer: Priscilla Dharini

Inform Resource Center:

  • Partnership Lead: Cassiane Cladis
  • Partners: Action et Humanisme, ANZ Lab,Digispace Africa, Digital Agenda for Tanzania Initiative, ForSet, Fundación, InformaGiovani, Internet Freedom Foundation, MediaNet Works, NewsSense, PolicyLab Africa, TEDIC, the Binary.
  • Instructional Designer: Seerat Khan

Special thanks to everyone at Tactical Tech and all our friends, partnerships, and fellow organisations who have shared their work, expertise, and enthusiasm for this project.

A sketch on a background image, mostly in  color and with various shapes