The Influence Industry's Voter Literacy Resources are designed for voters, community organisers, and educators around the world navigating data-driven political influence. You can find materials to run a Voter's Guide workshop as well as self-guided learning tools from around the world.
The Voter's Guide workshop contains a workshop plan, workshop slides, activities, as well as links to resources. The workshop resources support participants learning about the foundations of digital and political influence.
The stand-alone activities are centered on digital and political influence and are available to be integrated into workshops.
An introductory animated video describing a variety of uses of personal data in political elections, and some important consequences on our political and democratic processes.
The most common model used for psychometric profiling is the OCEAN model, named for the five main personality traits it measures. This tool allows visitors to take their own personality test, which then feeds them political ads.
A visual gallery exploring the claims and personality of companies working in the influence industry.
This Data Detox Kit guide explores questions of how personal data of voter's is used by politicians and what voters can do to take some agency back