
This section contains a selection of research and accumulated knowledge gathered by Tactical Tech's Data & Politics team as well as our international project partners. Resources and content referred to in the Learning Modules can also be found here.

Countries and Regions

Since 2016, we have built an international picture of the influence industry through partnerships and collaborations with journalists, digital rights groups, civil society organisations and academics in more than 20 countries. Here you can find our case studies, regional overviews, and other location-specific resources.


  • Personal Data: Political Persuasion Guidebook

    A deep dive into data-driven campaigning, uncovering the tools that are used to understand, target and influence voters around the world. The PDF guide, featuring case studies from around the world, gives clear descriptions of thirteen of the methods, explaining how they work, how they use…

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  • Algorithmic Design as Political Commentary

    Highlighting fractured and alternating online experiences through a design system that gives a nod to online segmentation and targeting is what Tactical Tech's design team set out to do for The Influence Industry Project.

    Readers, learners and explorers of The Influence Industry Project…

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  • Interview with Hon. Neema Lugangira

    Hon. Neema Lugangira (MP, Tanzania) speaks with Varoon Bashyakarla to discuss the relationship between online discourse and gender equity in leadership, how the agricultural and nutrition sector are intertwined with technology, and how a girls coding camp in Tanzania convinced a UN office to be…

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  • Interview with Kumar Sambhav

    Kumar Sambhav and Varoon Bashyakarla discuss Sambhav’s latest investigative reportage about how Meta’s ad platform undercut political competition in Indian elections, the privacy implications of India’s national ID database, and why regulations need to be dynamic in order to protect citizens…

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  • Interview with Eliana Quiroz

    Join Varoon Bashyakarla and Eliana Quiroz as they discuss the unique work of Bolivian digital rights activists and organisers, and how they are mapping the disinformation ecosystem in Bolivia, particularly through the lens of the orgnisation that Eliana co-founded, Internet

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  • Interview with Rafael Zanatta

    In this conversation, Rafael Zanatta and Varoon Bashyakarla discuss how popular media often misrepresents techno-authoritarianism, the legal reaction to data breaches in Brazil and why data protection is for everyone.

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  • Interview with Nino Macharashvili

    Researcher and data journalist Nino Macharashvili speaks with data journalist Varoon Bashyakarla about the the state of politics in the country of Georgia in 2021.

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  • Interview with Tetyana Bohdanova

    Varoon Bashyakarla and Tetyana Bohdanova speak about Tetyana’s research on digital influence within the 2019 Ukrainian elections and the digital political landscape in 2021.

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  • Interview with Lawyers Hub: Linda Bonyo and Catherine Moya

    Varoon Bashyakarla speaks with Linda Bonyo and Catherine Muya about the opportunities and challenges of working on digital policy and advocacy in Kenya and across the African continent.

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  • The Influence Industry Project: Interview Series 1

    Join us as we hear from international researchers, professional and organisers. Inspired by the excellent work of professionals within our international networks, these interviews are a way to amplify the work and voices of the community examining the global and local practices of influencing…

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  • Interview with cyber-security expert: Bob Diachenko

    In this conversation, Varoon Bashyakarla and Bob Diachenko discuss the often underreported causes of numerous breaches and data leaks, the effects of GDPR and other legislative measures and what could be expected of politicians running data-driven campaigns in the future.

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